tiistai 10. heinäkuuta 2012

Masochistic fun!

Hi again!

Just a quick post about bit of an extempore idea that we put to action today! On Sunday I went to beach with Sara and Mini and we got this idea that we should get ourselves pierced together sometime soon. So today since it was my payday, I drove us to Lahti (literal translation; bay. Moronically named cities in Finland part. 50. No offense though.) and we voluntarily got poked with needles.

Obligatory camho shot since I found new, great editing app to my iPhone. It's called photo wonder in case you care.

My partners in crime. Sara (the blondie) got her bellybutton pierced, Teemu (the photo bomber) his brow and Mini got two (!!) on her tongue. Got quite guts there. Samu far in the back was our mental support/ the one who got to laugh while we squealed.

We girls went to calm our nerves with some shopping while the guys....went for a beer. Lol, what a cliché. I didn't buy much though since I did some hardcore internet shopping in the morning. Got a mad gorgeous cross necklace to replace my old, rusty one though, only for 3 e! Gotta love the sales.

Anyways, after some panicking we managed to step inside the piercing shop aaand here's the result!

Cleavage microdermal! I got it for 50 € at Underground, which was quite cheap since I have paid almost 50 € for regular piercings in other shops. Currently I have one in my bellybutton, I should get a new ring for my smiley (underneath the upper lip) and I used to have one on my lip too. Now I'm craving for second microdermal under this one *--*

What do you think? Yay or nay?

Oh, and about the new cross necklace I talked about earlier! Here's my new ''to be used with 99.9% of outfits''- cross on the left, old fugly and rusty on the right. Mucho gusto the new one!


13 kommenttia:

  1. Intense piercing! But it looks so great with the sweater and accessories!

  2. Hyi! Sano ettei sulla oikeesti oo smileytä!?

    1. On mulla reikä sille muttei mitään kelvollista korua XD mun mielestä se on suloinen!

    2. Mun mielestä se on pelottava, mutta mikäs siinä jos ite tykkääät :D

  3. Meinasin kans ostaa tänään ton ristin, hah alennukset... Mut just kiva toi sun läväris, ei oo ihan joka vastaantulijalla samaa sit : )

    1. Tykkään just kun tää on vähän erikoisempi *^*!

  4. u look so sweet!
    and the pierce suits u :3

  5. Näytät niin ihanalta!:) Läväri sopii sulle kans tosi hyvin!


  6. OOOOOO!!! *___* Jännittävää!! XDD ♥♥ Mun kaverillakin on tommonen! Sopii sulle, näytät ihanalta, niinkun aina ♥♥

  7. Sulla on ihanat hiukset ja blogis on kiinnostava :) liityin lukijaks♥

  8. mul on dermal samassa paikassa :)

  9. ouch! I have my lip pierced, but dermals always scare me! lol
    You look lovely though!
