maanantai 14. toukokuuta 2012

''They tried stoning me, my dear. It did not work. ''

 Hello there!

I've been super lazy with camera lately, so this post will be filled with instagram crap. I haven't felt like taking much proper outfit photos because all my outfits have looked the very boring and same old same old. That will changethough, I have ordered fuckloads of new stuffbecause I need a serious  style update! Can't wait to show all the stuff to you guys *excited*

Anyways, I went to see Dark shadows on it's opening night on Friday!! I've waited for it since forever and was super excited to finally see it~

Before the movie we went to get some Ben&Jerry's! I got Rasberry brownie & New York super fudge chunk, Santra got Oh my apple pie &  Chocolate fudge brownie. Ohhh, heaven.

 Outfit feat. weather abused hair, ughh.
Pullover- Ebay 
Shorts- cut from old jeans
Socks- H&M
 Posing with Barnabas-Johnny.

 I can recommend the movie to everyone who likes Burton's films! Don't expect it to be the greatest of his work, it's entertaining but not like ''OMG WOW GREATEST EVER MADE''.
 On Saturday I wore quite similar outfit, I like this one better though.
Pullover- ebay
Socks- H&M 
 Riinu came over for a sleepover and we baked some yummy Tosca cake!

...and we gave our cat some ice cream, just had to share this photo because it's mad cute! 
We didn't really do anything special that day, just watched movies and ate lol. But it was fun~ 

And last but not least, TODAY I (FINALLY) PASSED MY DRIVERS LICENSE TEST AND GOT MY CAR KEYS ;_; Life just got *this* much easier, no need to rely on buses and trains to get to places!

 ♥ Rady

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