perjantai 1. heinäkuuta 2011

Xtra Super 2tone brown review!

Hi guys!

Lol I accidentally posted this before I had finished, hopefully no one saw that.
Remember when I mentioned my new lenses in my last post? Well now I finally managed to post some proper photos~

I wasn't actually going to buy new lenses just yet but I accidentally broke my only pair of usable lenses so I had to make quick decisions. I feel like my face look empty without lenses and I just couldn't wait for the shippings and all so I thought I could give Cybershops new ( ok I don't know how new they are, first time I saw them lol) Xtra Super 2Tone lenses a try.

Me wearing them (obiously).

Here's the desing and colour! Their diameter is 15.0 mm and base curve is 8.7 mm.

Funniest thing, the package said GEO medical Magic color but I'm sure they're just fake because there's no authenticity seal anywhere. Not that they promoted them as Geo lenses in the first place but the package is bit confusing.

Close up of my eye with the lens! Covers my natural eyecolor quite well!

Enlargement effect is huuuuge! I had never used lenses this big so I was amazed how big they made my eyes look. Btw this photo was taken on a different day than the others with super old lashes, that's why my lashes look really weird.

What do you think? I can recommend these,I've been wearing these for about a week now and they are really comfy, I can wear them all day and they stay in place really well. Imo they give a really nice and dolly look to my eyes : 3 they were quite expensive though, 32 euros per pair, but well, lenses in Finland are always expensive. I'm pleased!

♥ Rady

17 kommenttia:

  1. tiiäkkö yritin jonku melkee puolen tunnin ajan miettiä et mikä piilopostaus sulla on ku bloggerin se uudet päivitykset kohta näytti et uus päivitys oli tullu, mut ainaku yritti lukee nii oli tuo midsummerday look postaus ekana :C

  2. Jassu: haha syvät pahoittelut, painoin vahingossa enteriä XD

    In palace: thank you!

  3. Omg so cute lenses, looks like they have tiny hearts on them!

  4. En tajua että miks kaikki valittaa ku suomessa on niin kalliita piilolinssit, c'mon onko 30e paljon _vuoden linsseistä? Omasta mielestä aika halvat käyttöikään nähden..
    Mitä nykyään saa 30eurolla joka kestäis vuoden? Eipä oikein mitään :P

  5. The pattern is freaking PERFECTION! I love it! : D

  6. sun silmät on UPEET. ei mul muuta :-)

  7. This is just a question.
    Are those real?. Because I don't think it should come in that kind of package?.

  8. Wow I didn't know them but I like them!! The colour is great and the enlargement is noticeable!!! *o*

  9. Thank you for your comments!

    Ano: no on se mun mielestä vertailukohtiin nähden, kun tilaamalla muualta saa puolet halvemmalla postikuluineen päivineen!

    Czarina: I do know they're probably not real Geos, I was wondering why they sold fakes on the entry~

  10. Ah They're so cute on you!
    But be careful! They're probably fakes! Geo doesn't have blister packs D:

  11. Just as question ~

    I'm thinking of buying some lenses but really unsure what to get there's so many choices, i want to stay with blue? what would you suggest?

    And you look lovely in your pictures :)

  12. Ultimate beauty: hmm I really like Geo princess mimi series but they're quite dramatical, Geo Nudy series is maybe bit more natural and look quite nice in blue! These are just my opinios though, you might wanna check youtube for reviews :3
