Here's outfit for my very unfortunate adventure yesterday. I'm really into high-low dresses currently.
Jacket- Yesstyle
High-low dress- Saints&Mortals
Beanie- Rotting Fresh
Shoes- Jeffrey Campbell
You know the worth of things when you lose them, they say. My MacBook retire early and I was running around Helsinki and Vantaa (spellcheck is constantly trying to correct Vantaa into Vanuatu..) trying to find the place AppleCare support guy suggested. I got lost and in frustration I just walked into Mac store near Kamppi. Apparently it's exactly the same company than the one I searched for ages, just a different branch. Oh well.
Anyways, the mac store guy revived my baby and I went home to download and reinstall my OS. It jammed after an hour of downloading every. single. time. I tried at least five times but nothing. This morning with second phone call to AppleCare, I managed to get my baby working again. I lost all my files because back up copies are utter waste of time and all, but hey, my Mac's running smoother than ever! Gotta enjoy it while it lasts.