keskiviikko 2. tammikuuta 2013

Spiked all over

Last week I went to customs pick up Christmas present from me to myself and I'm really excited to show my bad ass babies to you!

Aaaand the box contained


Jeffrey Campbell Lita Spike 2 aka The all-over spiked Litas!

Actually they're not completely spiked, there's some flat studs on the inside. Spikes on the inside would be quite impractical lol. They're impractical enough just the way they are, taking them off is literally pain, and I've hit myself with those spikes more often than I'd like.

But nevertheless,  prettiness makes all the pain worth it! Also those spikes make a pretty good weapon at 4 am. on a Saturday night.

So what do you think  ?

18 kommenttia:

  1. At first I though they looked tacky but in the pictures where you're wearing them, they look cool! It's really important how you coordinate them, I see :D

    1. Yeah, they're pretty over-the-top so I guess it's very easy to make them look bit tacky :---D

  2. oh my god, this shoes are awesome ,and they look great on you ^__^ Presents you make yourself are always the best ;)

  3. Ihanat kengät! Tarttuuko lumi noihin kärkiin kuinka tehokkaasti? :D

    Itse olen kuolannut jeffrey campbellin kenkien perään jo pitkään, mutta en vaan koskaan saa hankittua. Onko niillä millaista kävellä?

    1. En oo vielä hirveästi viittinyt noita tuossa säässä ulkoiluttaa niin en osaa sanoa tuosta lumijutusta paljoa, mutta jalassa on tosi hyvät koska korkea plato ja paksu korko!

  4. wow noi on unelmakengät! :D

  5. Ase ja kengät samassa, mikäs sen parempaa!

  6. Noi kengät on kyllä ihan täydelliset! :D

  7. OMG You look cutesome as always ^^

  8. cool shoes xD Take care, otherwise you could kill somebody with them *lol*

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