sunnuntai 27. tammikuuta 2013

Anna Sui love

I finally received my new Anna Sui iPhone case and got my phone's screen fixed so I thought I'd share some pics with you guys!

I'm madly in love with the design and the best part....

it also works as a pocket mirror! Handy, eh?

Also changed my backgrounds to Anna Sui- theme!

In this Instagram photo you can see how massive it really is!! I've never had one of those over the top blinded phone cases (but I've had Rilakkuma and bunny ear cases tho!) so it feels HUMONGOUS. And heavy. And it's hard to put into any pocket. but I have to cope because it's the prettiest thing on planet ;_; And because phone is one of those things I carry with me everywhere, it has to look pretty!

Do you like to have a lot of bling on your phone or do you like keeping it simple?

lauantai 19. tammikuuta 2013

Ootd; Casual Saturday

 I've been dressing very casually lately. Today I thought giving a look with massive beanie a try!
I thought the beanie gave the outfit a really cute and super casual look, me likey : 3

Cardigan- Gina Tricot
Shirt- Skinny lip
Jeans- Skinny lip
Belt- D.I.A
Shoes- Liu Jo
Hat- Only
Scarf- Only
Necklace- Ebay

So what do you think? I usually wear beanies only when I don't feel like using extensions or doing my hair in anyway and I just want to wear sweat pants  when going to nearby grocery store lol but today I wanted to try beanie with an actual outfit!

sunnuntai 6. tammikuuta 2013

Cruella De Vil

I've been really frustrated with my hair lately so yesterday with the help of Mini I got some new paint on my head. 

What do you think? Bit Cruella De Vil- vibeish haha . Finally I got the light grey tone I've wanted for ages!!! *happydance* Still need more extensions though, I ordered 2 packs from some Ebay seller and there's no way I got 150 g of hair, feels like there's more like 100 g.  ;_;  Can't check it because I don't have kitchen scale .

My outfit for today, in case someones interested;

Parka- Seppälä
Fur scarf- Vero Moda
Skull cardigan- Ebay
Jeans- Skinny Lip
Shoes- Liu Jo (from Italy)

Products I used; Cameleo 3.0 Dark Brown for highlights, Casting Creme Gloss 10.10 Light Iced blonde. I ordered some Lucido-L in classic tea but it turned out too dark so I didn't use it. Money well spent!

If someone is interested in this dye, I'm willing to sell 3 packages of it for very cheap price ;--3 I don't think I'd ever need it so I need to get rid of them...

keskiviikko 2. tammikuuta 2013

Spiked all over

Last week I went to customs pick up Christmas present from me to myself and I'm really excited to show my bad ass babies to you!

Aaaand the box contained


Jeffrey Campbell Lita Spike 2 aka The all-over spiked Litas!

Actually they're not completely spiked, there's some flat studs on the inside. Spikes on the inside would be quite impractical lol. They're impractical enough just the way they are, taking them off is literally pain, and I've hit myself with those spikes more often than I'd like.

But nevertheless,  prettiness makes all the pain worth it! Also those spikes make a pretty good weapon at 4 am. on a Saturday night.

So what do you think  ?