As promised, here's a post about our new apartment. We still don't have internet connection tho, I swear that if we don't get it up and running by tomorrow someone will suffer.
Not a single style- related thing in this post. Just lots of pictures and lots of random babbling about mah home.
Anyways, we moved in here almost a month ago and we used one weekend to move our stuff in. First photo of me and two of my awesome room mates in our new, ugly as fuck cement balcony.
We fueled ourselves with McD for the whole weekend lol. Except on Sunday I think we got some Hesburger. Grease and salt keeps you going and stuff
We went to buy some puzzles from Ikea on Saturday, no first apartment without some Ikea crap, right?
I realized that this is probably the easiest way of carrying enormous lamp shade
Works as a cute hat. Funny story, we managed to burn our main fuse while installing this lamp.
We shoved all our stuff into my tiny car. I think this might have been illegal and maybe a bit dangerous.
Assembling the Ikea- puzzles was quite exhausting so we decided to relax with our old friend alcohol. Later on we hear that that shot roulette thing was actually meant for decorating cakes. Oh well.
I think we managed to get our little cave to look quite decent!
Starting the tour with my bedroom...
It's quite small but still cozy. I still want something on my empty wall tho, maybe a huge ass poster in nice frames or something.
Two of my favorite things in my room, my shoe rack and my leather framed mirror. *--*
Only after buying my make-up table I realized that black might have not been the brightest idea, even one hint of powder makes it look dirty ugh. I have to keep a towel to protect it from the biggest stains.
My favorite detail in kitchen, my Dolce gusto coffee machine hurrdurrrrr
Smoking slippers lol.
The view. Great for stalking neighbors.
Ok there it was! I must admit I love it here.
We even have our own sauna. It's cool even tho I hate going to sauna. Makes me dizzy.