sunnuntai 17. huhtikuuta 2011

Hairweek part 4. Saturday&Sunday

Hello lovelies!

Today was the last day of my hair theme week ! I'm glad that I did this, even though I had to wake up bit earlier, I've gotten many new ideas and learned to do many new hairstyles. You followers have also seem to like this themeweek :3 !

But yeah, enough with the blabber and on to the subject! Here's Saturdays hair!

I got only one picture of the hairdo since I was babysitting two hyperactive dogs with Santra from 8 am to 10 pm os I didn't have much time to camwhore :< The hairdo was quite cute though!

Speak of the devil... here are the dogs we were looking after. Here they are cute since we had just gotten back from a long walk and they were pretty tired. PROBABLY THE BEST MOMENTS OF THE WHOLE DAY LOL.

And todays hair!

Pompadour with french braids!
I actually tied this because I wanted an easily manageable hair for the summers music festivals, with this hairdo and loads of hairspray you don't have to worry if your hair gets flat or anything and this has nice, little bohemian vibe to it~ Still need to figure out how to make me look less bald, there's this one place that ends up looking bit bald. You can probably see what I mean. :<

BTW, today was really warm and springfull day,nearly all the snow has melted! We bought some chocolate eggs and enjoyed the weather outside~ I feel really summery now. I need to go shopping for some summer dresses!

♥ Rady

10 kommenttia:

  1. ahahaha nauroin ku viimistä päivää tolle koirien kuvalle ♥ XDXD jotain niin söpöö! ja noin sun hiukset on iha sairaan hienot *__*

  2. Ne näyttää ihan siltä kun ne ois kuollu XD ♥ Ja kiitooos ~

  3. ihanat taas molemmat kampaukset, varsinki toi eka ! miten sä teit ton *----*

  4. Such cute hairstyles! : D
    And I love dogs <3 woooh!

  5. Ty ~

    Indi: tupeerasin toisen puolen pystyyn ja siiten kihartimella kääntelin latvoja ylös :---D tupeerattua puolta sitten sekottelin vähän ja asentelin lakalla siihen asti kun oli kiva! Aika epämääräinen selitys yhh anteeksi XD

  6. Toi eka kampaus on mahtava! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

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