Mulle on kertyny muutama asukuva viime viikoilta kännykän uumeniin ja aattelin että voisin ne tässä tylsyydessäni tänne nakata! Oon ollu taas tän koko päivän kotosalla koska mun ääni on mennytnihan hassuksi ankkamaiseksi ininäksi joten parantelen sen tässä ennen kuin lähden ihmisten ilmoille taas !
This is something I came up with when I bought those pom pom-socks last week. I really wanted to wear them but I had nothing to wear them with ,so I pimped an old pullover into that cardigan~ Í hate it that when I go to school it's so dark and when I come home it's too dark WHEN AM I SUPPOSED TO TAKE PHOTOS ;___;
Just to show off the fake fur scarf~
This is something I wore when I went to do christmas shopping almost two weeks ago!
Photo taken @ restaurant Morrinson's bathroom haha! (Morrison's is on of my new favourite restaurants in helsinki atm, the food is sooo goood 'Q'♥♥Muchos love! It's on WTC helsinki , I recommend it to everyone!)
Don't mind about the messy hair, there was a BLIZZARD and the snow ruined mah pretty hair ;___; I had really cute wawes.......
Outfit for school,photo taken after gym class so I look bit messy....
Hope you liked them
Suuntaan tässä takaisin lepäilemään *Q* purrrr
ps. Pitäis varmaan investoida johonkin pokkarikameraan, tota isoa en jaksa kanniskella mukana ja kännykän laatu on aika kurja...
My favorite is the 2nd and 3rd outfit!! They're so nice!! Also, your pom pom socks are so adorable, perfect for winter. :)
VastaaPoistaDolly: Thankies! I should try and figure some more coordinates to go with those socks, they're so insanely cute ;A;