sunnuntai 18. marraskuuta 2012

Something fresh

Hi everyone!

You probably noticed how my blog looks ''a bit'' different. I was getting sick and tired of the pinkness that had been around for quite a while ( a year, two? I really can't remember). I think it was supposed to be temporary...oopsie.

Anyways, I think this bit darker look is bit more me than the pinkness overload- thing that was going on in the last one. The photos were also really really old, so I guess it was about the time for a little change. What do you think? Better or worse?

Obligatory facespam because I don't like posts with no pictures. Excuse the mess wig, I had just gotten home from 10 hour work shift and was just leaving to see Twilight ( Can't recommend to anyone who wants to keep their sight, the special effects will make your eyes burn.)

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