tiistai 28. elokuuta 2012

Review series part 2. Geo color nine Pure hazel

Hellooo again!

I'm quite busy with some things happening in my personal life so I'll apologize in advance if don't have time to keep you guys updated so often! I'm trying to find time to spam you with lots of useless photos of my face as usual tho. (●´∀`●)

Anyways, second part of review series sponsored by geocolouredlenses.com !
These ones I chose purely because I think brown lenses suit me the best and 99,9% of the time I'm using brown lenses. Because of the natural color and small, 14.2 mm diameter these are probably the most natural looking lenses I've ever owned. I actually wore these for a job interview (and got the job, yay!).

Here's a close up! Really nice and natural design and cover up almost all of my natural eye color!

These lenses are available in 0.00 to - 8.00 prescription. 

Click here to buy yours!

9 kommenttia:

  1. Thats some nice lenses! I like when they look natural so I might check them out! Thanks for the review~

    ps. you should do pictures with one with the lenses in daylight, one with flash and one without flash. ^^

    1. I used to do that in my older reviews but.... I dropped my camera a long time ago and broke the flash so that's pretty much mission impossible atm XD

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